Frequently Asked Questions
What is a psychological assessment? It is the process of investigating a concern you have regarding your child related to emotional and behavioral needs. We conduct an interview with the parent(s) to get a better understanding of your concerns. We collect data from parents, teachers, and children, such as information from rating scales and questionnaires. We also meet with the child, and perform a battery to help determine the child's needs.
What is a psycho-educational assessment? It is the process of investigating a concern you have regarding your child related to learning. We administer a battery of tests, depending on the specific concerns shared by parents and teachers.
What is a Full and Individual Evaluation (FIE)? An FIE is an assessment that is usually conducted by public school staff in order to determine eligibility for Special Education services. Depending upon the concerns, certain professionals may be involved in the assessment, such as Licensed Specialists in School Psychology, Educational Diagnosticians, Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapists, or Physical Therapists.
What is an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE)? An IEE is an evaluation that is requested by parents who disagree with an FIE conducted by the school district. An IEE is conducted by a professional of the parent's choosing, and the school district agrees to contract with the professional to complete all or portions of the IEE.
What is an ARD? An ARD is a Special Education meeting, and it stands for Admission, Review, and Dismissal meeting. An ARD meeting is held 30 days after the completion of an initial FIE, and an ARD must occur at least annually. Members of the ARD committee must generally include the parent, an administrator, a general education teacher, and a special education teacher.
What is an IEP? An IEP stands for Individual Educational Plan, and it is a legal document which outlines the plan for each student receiving special education.